The Oxford & Cambridge Society, Karachi Educational Trust (OCSKET)


The Oxford & Cambridge Society Karachi, Educational Trust (OCSKET) was formed by the Oxford & Cambridge Society Karachi with a view to promoting education through free scholarship. The Society has opened membership free of cost to all those living in Pakistan or abroad who have attended either Oxford or Cambridge University. Due to inactivity of the Society, the Trust is also performing the functions of the Society. The Alumni currently comprises circa 110 members.

In the past, the annual Oxbridge Blues Ball was organized to raise funds for granting scholarships to students on the basis of both merit and established financial need. The Trust interviews and recommends a number of students for universities in Pakistan and to Oxford & Cambridge Universities. Selected scholars are awarded scholarships by the Trustees to centers of high academic excellence.

The other objectives are:

a) To provide a social forum where alumni of the Oxford and Cambridge Universities could meet interact, and raise funds for the trust.

b) To maintain under all circumstances our ties with our Alma Mater particularly at the undergraduate level, by providing scholarships, part/scholarships to suitably qualified entrants to both universities.

c) To avoid implications of elitism by also funding scholarships at local universities for persons aspiring to a higher level of education.

The paramount consideration for award of scholarships is clearly established and demonstrated financial need. Currently 39 students at NED and 2 at Oxbridge are funded by the Trust.

The Annual Blues’ Ball has been the traditional OCSKET fundraiser event, being held at Acton House, Runnymede with the kind cooperation of the British Deputy High Commission. Unfortunately, this annual event has not been held for the past several years due to Covid-19 as well as the inactivity of the society.

The OCSKET is currently certified by FBR as a NPO and the accounts are audited annually.

OCSKET has had a long association with Noon Foundation in England, in financing one scholarship a year for most years over the last 15 years whereas in comparison neither Lahore nor Islamabad alumni financed a single scholar. Students proceeding to Oxford or Cambridge are subsidized, in collaboration with the Noon, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, and associated trusts. OCSKET has funded 18 scholars to date at Oxford and Cambridge.

Apart from this, OCSKET also provide scholarships to students at local institutions namely NED and IBA. We have funded over 550 students to date.

# Academic Year No. of Students Total Amount (Rs.)
1 2012 28 700,000
2 2013 24 600,000
3 2014 31 775,000
4 2015 44 132,000
5 2016 55 1,650,000
6 2017 73 2,200,000
7 2018 59 1,770,000
8 2019 45 1,350,000
9 2020 32 960,000
10 2021 32 960,000
11 2022 50 1,500,000
12 2023 78 2,310,000
Total 551 16,095,000

OCSKET believes high level of education is a necessary condition for economic growth and no country can make significant economic progress if majority of its citizens are illiterate. Without education and the right type of education, we cannot overcome extremism and poverty prevailing in Pakistani society. If we are to make real, speedy and substantial progress, we must earnestly tackle this issue with regard to the modern conditions and vast developments that have taken place all over the world.

Our Trustees

Mr. Mohamed Rajpar
Mr. Bilal Ahmed Khan Trustee
Mr. Naveed Javeri
Ms. Mariya Mazari
Mr. Zahid Majeed
Ms. Masuma Hasan


NED University Karachi

The NED University of Engineering and Technology is the oldest institution in Pakistan for teaching and training Graduate Engineers. It was started in 1922 as an Engineering College to provide Civil Engineers for what at that time was the Sindh Division of the Bombay presidency in India. That college now is the city campus of this university and is one of the heritage structures of Karachi; it now accommodates the Architecture Department of this University. When the NED College was first established, it was affiliated to the University of Bombay. After partition of the subcontinent in 1947, the land on which the college stood, having been taken over by the Provincial Education Department, the College itself was managed by its Board of Governors until it was nationalized in 1972. Thereafter, the College was shifted to the location now occupied by the Main Campus, developed with World Bank funding and eventually elevated to university status on 1st March 1977.

1. A. The Main Campus to which the college was shifted in 1972 is on University Road adjacent to the University of Karachi. The College was raised to university status in 1977 – starting at that time with three Engineering Disciplines. The University however now offers undergraduate programmes in 19 (nineteen ) disciplines including Architecture at the City Campus and two disciplines in the bio-medical Engineering Department located in the LEJ Campus virtually donated to the university in 2004. The University now also offers postgraduate programmes in all its disciplines as well as one in Environmental Engineering which is not included amongst undergraduate degree programmes – all its degrees have international recognition.

B. The university has its own Digital Library and is also its own Internet Service Provider. Under the Development Programme being funded by the Higher Education Commission not only are more new Engineering disciplines being introduced but the entire infrastructure of this university is being expanded and strengthened.

C. The NED University did not make the mistake of going in from the very beginning exclusively for research and production of Doctorate Degrees despite pressures from the Higher Education Commission. It concentrated first on production of first class graduate engineers who could be absorbed by industries, public utilities and all other concerns employing engineers. Thereafter it concentrated on offering several Master’s level Postgraduate Degree programmes; the arrangements made included provision for working graduate engineers to improve their qualifications by attending evening classes.

2. The University has now four fully formed Faculties Civil Engineering and Architecture, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering along with Information, Sciences and Humanities plus the fifth Faculty of Chemical, Metallurgical and Process Engineering now under formation. Within this framework, undergraduate programmes are offered in nineteen disciplines on regular basis along with one other only in Conversion Course in Marine Engineering for individuals holding Mercantile Marine Chief Engineer’s tickets.

3. At the next stage, Postgraduate Masters’ level programmes are also offered ten (10) in Engineering along with one each in Computer Science and in Architecture and Planning. These Master level Degree programmes are offered mostly in the evenings because by far the majority of individuals seeking admission to these programmes are employed and can attend classes only in evening. The University also has its Doctorate Degree programme which at present is restricted only for Faculty Development but would be opened to outside Research Scholars within about two years – in all probably from July 2011.

4. Faculty Members in this University are encouraged to devote as much time as possible to Research without however in any way affecting their responsibilities for teaching undergraduates which has to be their primary responsibility. This University now publishes its Half Yearly Research Journal.

5. The University has also recently begun addressing all its Alumni both in Pakistan and abroad. The University wants only ‘good will’ from its Alumni; until recently it was not able to establish proper contacts but this deficiency is also now being remedied/rectified.

6. The University also attaches great importance to Student Facilities including Co-Curricular as well as Sports and Games besides Industrial Liaison. It encourages all legitimate student activities but does not permit any political religious or ethnic activity within the Campuses.

The Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

The IBA was established in 1995 as a USAID - Government of Pakistan project, Initially the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, provided the technical support; later the University of Southern California got the contract. Both the contractors helped set up the first modem business school in the sub-continent out of North America. Several prominent American professors were assigned to the IBA. A large number of Pakistani faculty members received advanced degrees from Wharton and USC. Till 1994, the University of Karachi awarded degrees to IBA graduates and then in that year, the Sindh Assembly elevated the Institute's status to that of a degree-awarding institution. Inspite of a rapid increase in the number of business schools in the country, the IBA has maintained its position as the premier institution of higher learning in the field of business administration.

The vision of IBA is to become a world-class business school for leadership and innovation in management and be counted among the top 50 business schools in Asia. For this, the IBA administration upholds and promotes the core values of merit, truth, integrity, creativity, discipline and tolerance amongst its faculty, students and administrative staff. The administration of IBA tries to ensure that no meritorious student be deprived of studying at IBA due to his/her financial constraints.

Distinguishing features of the IBA are the induction of students though a systematic and merit-based admission process, training in a demanding academic environment, and on-time completion of study programs. Admission procedures, curricula, methods of instruction and the system of examinations at the IBA give it a unique position among leading educational institutions in Pakistan.


Oxbridge Alumni Get-Together at BDHC On 21st Oct, 2023:

The OCSKET alumni get-together took place on October 21, 2023, marking nearly four years since the last gathering. Mr. Mohammed Rajpar, Chairman of OCSKET, graciously hosted the event, joined by the esteemed presence of British Deputy High Commissioner Ms. Sarah Mooney. Among the attendees, special recognition was given to Mrs. Erum Rahim, the oldest alumna and the first Pakistani woman to have attended Cambridge University.

The Trustees were keen to meet with the Alumni in order to update the Trust’s activities. Mr. Mohammed Rajpar recalled the Society had set up the Trust with one of the principal aims being to keep a philanthropic link with Oxbridge which has been done on a regular basis with the Trust donating a small annual amount to those scholars who have gained entry. He further stated since the Society is moribund no new fundraising activities have occurred since several years so either it is time to reignite the Society or ask the Trust to perform those functions by creating a subset of Alumni to pursue such affairs.

Mr. Mohammed Rajpar requested Trustee Mr. Bilal Ahmed to brief regarding the current state of the Trust’s financial affairs.

Mr. Bilal Ahmed stated the Trustees are focusing to ensure the corpus of funds that the Trust possesses is deployed in the highest return generating assets however, with the devaluing currency the ability to fund scholarships, especially for international education, is severely limited hence the Trustees are focusing on developing a high impact with the donations.

He informed currently, 39 students at NED and 2 at Oxbridge are funded by the Trust. Oxbridge students are awarded partial scholarships that assist them with their overall expenses so far, the Trust has assisted 18 students at Oxbridge and in the ongoing year, both the Oxbridge scholars are females demonstrating the focus of the Trust to encourage gender diversity. Mr. Bilal Ahmed concluded going forward, the Trust will focus on maintaining the current corpus of funds and looking at avenues to enhance funding.

Mr. Farouq Rahimtoola thanked the British Deputy High Commissioner for use of her home and informed her that there is an association right from the start of the Society followed by the fund raising through The Blues Ball that makes Alumni feel “at home” in this environment. He informed that when he was Chairman, Trust went through the Covid pandemic and consequently our inability to organize more meetings. He added OCSKET was born through the Society and is the former’s entity. He recalled “Mr. Zia Khaleeli and some of us made it happen and I am delighted my signature is on the Trust Deed.

However due to the legal issues there has been a reverse takeover. This does not change the relationship. The younger alumni have to play their part and support fundraising for the Trust be it by holding debates, musical evenings, plays or even the Ball. OCSKET is not allowed to receive any foreign exchange donations e.g. when a scholar wanted to return the scholarship amount as she was employed abroad but this is not allowed albeit eventually OCSKET did receive funds from her but it was done via her family. It is now in the hands of the younger alumni to make a success of the Trust and find the appropriate method to raise funds.”

Mr. Zia Khaleeli extended thanks to BDHC for its support since the start of the Trust. He added more than mere support, BDHC provided the personal residence for every Blues Ball which was the foundation of our financially viable Trust. He informed The Noon Foundation is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in September 2024 in Lahore & Islamabad and OCSKET has had a relationship with Noon since the start of OCSKET and Mr. Paul Flathers at Oxford has been the point of contact. He elaborated OCSKET has had a long association with Noon in financing one scholarship a year for most years over the last 15 years whereas in comparison neither Lahore nor Islamabad alumni financed a single scholar. He said he will introduce Mr. Mohammed Rajpar to Paul and request him to persuade Paul to also hold a Noon function in Karachi.

Mr. Zia Khaleeli noted that Rhodes Foundation recently celebrated 50 years in Pakistan and have sent one scholar every year to Oxford of which only one Rhodes Scholar was from Karachi whilst the remainder of the scholars were from the North of Pakistan. He said Rhodes Pakistan should stop being provincial and extend their net of scholars throughout Pakistan.

He concluded since the recent news is that Rhodes Pakistan will be sending two scholars a year to Oxford therefore we should try to ensure the second scholar should be from Provinces other than the Punjab.

Ms. Sarah Mooney welcomed all the participants and expressed her pleasure about maintaining the traditional host relationship with Oxbridge Alumni and also offered the venue in future especially in case another Blues Ball was organized.

Dinner In Honor Of Ms. Frewyeni Kidane, Head Of Advancement & Development At Rhodes House:

On October 16, 2023, OCSKET hosted a welcome dinner in honor of Ms. Frewyeni Kidane, Head of Advancement at Rhodes House, during her visit to Pakistan. Esteemed Trustees and distinguished members of the Oxbridge community were invited to grace the occasion. Ms. Frewyeni Kidane expressed her delight at meeting with Oxbridge members and commended the organization’s efforts in promoting women's empowerment. Ms. Frewyeni Kidane also took the opportunity to announce annual sponsorship of two scholars from Pakistan to Oxford University.

Members Directory

Our current membership comprises as under:

First Name Email
1 Abdul Ghani Dadabhoy
2 Abid Sattar
3 Abubakar Chundrigar
4 Adeel Ahmed
5 Adnan Shaikh
6 Aftab Nabi
7 Agha Salik Ahmed Khan
8 Akhass Wasti
9 Alia Ali
10 Aliya Masood
11 Aliya Yousufi
12 Allah Bakhsh Malik
13 Ameer Bakhsh Bhutto
14 Amir Jafri
15 Amna Khalili
16 Anas Makhdoom
17 Aneesuddin Ahmed
18 Anjum Halai
19 Anna Rasheed Ahmed
20 Ansa Zafar
21 Arif Khan Abbasi /
22 Asad Jahangir Khan
23 Asad Sayeed
24 Ashfan Alnoor Charania
25 Askari Chandoo
26 Ayub Ahmed
27 Chishty/Durainow Mujahid
28 Daanish Bhimjee
29 Dara Bashir Khan
30 Dr. Masuma Hasan
31 Faisal Siddiqi
32 Farouq Rahimtoola
33 Gideon Brier
34 Hasan Askari
35 Dr.Hasanat Sharif
36 Hassan Aslam
37 Hassan Shehzad Mumtaz
38 Iran Ispahani Rahim
39 Irshad Qadir
40 John Ashley
41 Junaid Marvi
42 Justice Nasir Zahid
43 Kairas N Kabraji
44 Kamal Uddin Azfar
45 Khalid Anwer
46 Kulsum Ahmed
47 M. Akram Fahim
48 M. Iqbal Qureshi
49 Mahreen Khan
50 Makhdoom Ali Khan
51 Mariyah Mazari
52 Mehvish Muneera Ismail
53 Menaal Safi Munshey
54 Miriam Kugele
55 Moeed Mudassir
56 Mohammed A Rajpar
57 Morial Shah
58 Muhammad Bilal Ahmed
59 Munnawar Hamid
60 Musabbir Abdul Majeed
61 Naeem Malik
62 Naiza Khan
63 Najeeb Samie
64 Najeeba Tariq Khan
65 Nasir Aslam Zahid
66 Nasser Ali
67 Naveed M Javeri
68 Nazir Ahmed Choudhry
69 Neesha Dara Khan
70 Nimra Azhar
71 Omar Sial
72 Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman /
73 Qadir H Sayeed
74 Raana Shaikh
75 Rida Zafar
76 Rumi Dossal
77 S Nasir & Anne Nasir
78 S. U. Khan
79 Sadia Khan
80 Saeed Y Chinoy
81 Saima Hassan /
82 Saira & Muddassar Malik
83 Saira Akhtar
84 Salam Memon
85 Saleem Vahidy
86 Saleha Shahid Shafiq
87 Salik Nazir Ahmed
88 Salim Raza
89 Salima Feerasta
90 Salman Burney
91 Salman Siddiqui
92 Sameer Khan
93 Samiaha Hamdani
94 Samir Feroze
95 Sana Khan /
96 Shabana Pervez
97 Shafeeq A.K Hussain
98 Shahnur Chauhan
99 Shahzad Khan
100 Shakil Saigol
101 Shameen Bashir
102 Shehzad Jeeva
103 Sima Kamil
104 Suhail Zaheer Lari
105 Sulaiman Ijaz
106 Suroor Rahimtoola
107 Syed Akbar Hussain
108 Tabinda Kazmi
109 Tara Uzra Dawood
110 Tariq Nasir Zufar
111 Usman Hamid Malik
112 Walid Iqbal
113 Zahid Majeed
114 Zaituna Shah
115 Zarmeen Z Bashir
116 Zehra Dara Khan
117 Zia Kalim
118 Zia Khaleeli

Following are considered as members however, their contact particulars are missing. In case anyone has their contact particulars please inform

Anees Hussain
Asif Ahmed
Fahimea Haroon
Javed Hussain
Khurram Aleem
Syed Ronaq Raza
Zain Hak

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